Politecnico di Torino Üniversitesi


Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
 01NFBLZ Fondamenti di meccanica del volo
 UCK322E Flight Mechanics (2022)
Fondamenti di meccanica strutturale
Strenght of Materials (2022)
 01NHYLZ Machine Dynamics
 UZB220E Mechanical Vibrations (2022)
 01NLGJM Fundementalsof Enginnering Thermodynamics&Heat
 UCK207E Thermodynamics (2022)
 01SUNLZ Calcolo Numerico: metodie software
 Numerical Methods (2022)
 01FSWLZ Storia delle Scienze e delle Tecniche
 ITB218 History of science&Tecnology (2022)
 03LNMJY Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics (2022)
 01DYBLZ Modellazione digitale di impianti
 5. YY ITB (2022)
 02AAFLZ  Aerodinamica  UCK351E  Aerodynamics (2021)
02AAFLZ Aerodinamica TM 7.YY Seçime Bağlı TM (2021)
 02EUCLZ  Costruzioni Aeronautiche
UZB331E Aerospace Structures (2021)
 02EUCLZ  Costruzioni Aeronautiche  MT 6. YY Seçime Bağlı MT (2021)
02SXJJM Fundamentals of Machine Design
TM 6.YY Seçime Bağlı TM (2021)
  Lingua İtaliana III Livello
ITA102 Italian III (2021)
01NHYLZ Machine Dyanamics
TM 7.YY Seçime Bağlı TM (2021)
Sistemi di bordo Aerospaziali
TM 8.YY Seçime Bağlı TM (2021)
01OFYLZ Company Economics
 ITB 8.YY Seçime Bağlı ITB (2021)
 01NLGJM Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
UZB317E Heat Transfer (2021)
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
UCK205E Thermodynamics I (2021)
  Lingua İtaliana III Livello ITA201 Italian III (2021)
70545 Space Flight Mechanics UZB421E Attitude Determination and Control
14AKSES Automatics Controls UCK362E Automatic Control
61468 Fundamentals of Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
83401 Fundamentals of Automatic Control UCK362E Automatic Control
01LTWES Advanced CAD Technologies For Product Development UZB487 CAD/CAM
01GDVFQ Flussi Compessibili UZB362E Compressible Aerodynamic
01GDVFQ Compressible Flows UZB362 Compressible Aerodynamics

Meccanica del vuolo UCK322E Flight Mechanics
01EUGES Flight Mechanics UCK322E Fligth Mechanics