IPSA Institut Polytechnique Des Sciences Avance


Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
SH42 Sciences Humaines

SH43B Sociologie des Entreprises

SH44 Facteurs Humaines et Interface ITB 5th Semestre ITB
ME42B Calcul par la Methode Element Finis UZB318E Finite Element Method
EN41 Conception des Turbomachines UCK474E Aircraft Engine Design
SH52 Enjeux Societaux

SH53 Ethique de I'Ingenieur

SH55 Droit du Travail ITB 6th Semestre ITB
MI43 Economie: Gestion Financiere

MI44 Qualite- Teglemantation- Normes

MI45 Management des Grands Projets

MI46 Principes de Strategie d'Entreprise EKO201E Economics
AE57 Conception des Lanceurs UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
EN51 Propulsion Fusée UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
TEL53 Optique Spatiale UZB411E Space Environment
TEL52 Systémes des Télécommunications Spatiales UZB451E Spacecraft Communications
AE56 Conception des Satellites UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
EN42A Conceptions des Moteurs a Combustion Interne 1

EN42B Conceptions des Moteurs a Combustion Interne 2 MAK493E Internal Combustion Engines
SH42A Sciences Humaines A

SH42B Sciences Humaines B

SH43B Sociologie des Énterprises ITB 6th Semester ITB
ME42A Calcul par la Methode Element Finis TB 5th Semester TB
MI54 Final Project UZB492E Graduation Project
EN31 Transfert Thermiques UZB232E Heat Transfer
ME44 Technologie des Systémes Mécaniques UCK361E Design of Machine Elements
SH22 Culture Generale ITB 5th Semester ITB
MI33 Marketing EKO201 Ekonomi (2018)
MI43 Economie : Gestion Financiére EKO201E Economics
EN33 Introduction aux Turbomachines

EN41A Conceptions des Turbomachines 1

EN41B Conceptions des Turbomachines 2 UCK474E Aircraft Engine Design
In11 Algorithmie

In34 SP Initiation a la Programmation C BIL104E Intro. to Sci&Eng Comp(C) (2018)
SP551 Design of Satellites
Spacecraft Systems Design
SP552 Design of Launchers
SH501 Social Issues ITB 6th Seçmeli ITB Dersi
SH321 Seminaires Culturelles ITB 7th Seçmeli ITB Dersi (2018)
SH502 Ethics ITB 5th Seçmeli ITB Dersi
Computational Aerodynamics(CFD) MT 8th Seçmeli MT-I Dersi
Ae501 Irıtroduction to Hypersonic Aerodynamics MT 8th Seçmeli MT-II Dersi
FLE French FRA 301 French
ME412 Calculation ofStructures by MEF TB 5th Seçmeli TB Dersi
ME411 Composite and Metal Materials TM 6th Seçmeli TM Dersi
EN415 Rocket Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
TEL511 Space Mechanics UZB352E Orbital Mechanics
Ln411 Complex Information Systems Modelling UCK372E Experimental Engineering
French FRA 302 French
MA31C Calcul Differantial MAT201 Diferansiyel Denklemler (2018)
ME31TC Mechanique Generale DNK201 Dinamik (2018)
AE30 Mechanigue du Vol UCK322E Flight Mechanics (2018)
LA31-1 Anglais Generale ING102 İngilizce II (2018)
MA32A Resolution Numerigue de Systems Lineaires et Non-Lineaires MAT202E Numerical Methods (2018)
AU34 SP Programmation des Microcontrolleurs BLG212 Mikroişlemci Sistemleri (2018)
EL31A SP Electronique Numerique BLG231 Sayısal Devreler (2018)
LA31-2 Anglais Generale 2 ING201 İngilizce 201 (2018)