IPSA Institut Polytechnique Des Sciences Avance
Dersin Kodu |
Dersin Adı |
Dersin Kodu |
Dersin Adı |
SH42 |
Sciences Humaines |
SH43B |
Sociologie des Entreprises |
SH44 |
Facteurs Humaines et Interface |
5th Semestre ITB |
ME42B |
Calcul par la Methode Element Finis |
UZB318E |
Finite Element Method |
EN41 |
Conception des Turbomachines |
UCK474E |
Aircraft Engine Design |
SH52 |
Enjeux Societaux |
SH53 |
Ethique de I'Ingenieur |
SH55 |
Droit du Travail |
6th Semestre ITB |
MI43 |
Economie: Gestion Financiere |
MI44 |
Qualite- Teglemantation- Normes |
MI45 |
Management des Grands Projets |
MI46 |
Principes de Strategie d'Entreprise |
EKO201E |
Economics |
AE57 |
Conception des Lanceurs |
UZB422E |
Spacecraft System Design |
EN51 |
Propulsion Fusée |
UZB441E |
Rocket Propulsion |
TEL53 |
Optique Spatiale |
UZB411E |
Space Environment |
TEL52 |
Systémes des Télécommunications Spatiales |
UZB451E |
Spacecraft Communications |
AE56 |
Conception des Satellites |
UZB422E |
Spacecraft System Design |
EN42A |
Conceptions des Moteurs a Combustion Interne 1 |
EN42B |
Conceptions des Moteurs a Combustion Interne 2 |
MAK493E |
Internal Combustion Engines |
SH42A |
Sciences Humaines A |
SH42B |
Sciences Humaines B |
SH43B |
Sociologie des Énterprises |
6th Semester ITB |
ME42A |
Calcul par la Methode Element Finis |
TB |
5th Semester TB |
MI54 |
Final Project |
UZB492E |
Graduation Project |
EN31 |
Transfert Thermiques |
UZB232E |
Heat Transfer |
ME44 |
Technologie des Systémes Mécaniques |
UCK361E |
Design of Machine Elements |
SH22 |
Culture Generale |
5th Semester ITB |
MI33 |
Marketing |
EKO201 |
Ekonomi (2018) |
MI43 |
Economie : Gestion Financiére |
EKO201E |
Economics |
EN33 |
Introduction aux Turbomachines |
EN41A |
Conceptions des Turbomachines 1 |
EN41B |
Conceptions des Turbomachines 2 |
UCK474E |
Aircraft Engine Design |
In11 |
Algorithmie |
In34 SP |
Initiation a la Programmation C |
BIL104E |
Intro. to Sci&Eng Comp(C) (2018) |
SP551 |
Design of Satellites |
Spacecraft Systems Design |
SP552 |
Design of Launchers |
SH501 |
Social Issues |
6th Seçmeli ITB Dersi |
SH321 |
Seminaires Culturelles |
7th Seçmeli ITB Dersi (2018) |
SH502 |
Ethics |
5th Seçmeli ITB Dersi |
Computational Aerodynamics(CFD) |
MT |
8th Seçmeli MT-I Dersi |
Ae501 |
Irıtroduction to Hypersonic Aerodynamics |
MT |
8th Seçmeli MT-II Dersi |
French |
FRA 301 |
French |
ME412 |
Calculation ofStructures by MEF |
TB |
5th Seçmeli TB Dersi |
ME411 |
Composite and Metal Materials |
TM |
6th Seçmeli TM Dersi |
EN415 |
Rocket Propulsion |
UZB441E |
Rocket Propulsion |
TEL511 |
Space Mechanics |
UZB352E |
Orbital Mechanics |
Ln411 |
Complex Information Systems Modelling |
UCK372E |
Experimental Engineering |
French |
FRA 302 |
French |
MA31C |
Calcul Differantial |
MAT201 |
Diferansiyel Denklemler (2018) |
ME31TC |
Mechanique Generale |
DNK201 |
Dinamik (2018) |
AE30 |
Mechanigue du Vol |
UCK322E |
Flight Mechanics (2018) |
LA31-1 |
Anglais Generale |
ING102 |
İngilizce II (2018) |
MA32A |
Resolution Numerigue de Systems Lineaires et Non-Lineaires |
MAT202E |
Numerical Methods (2018) |
AU34 SP |
Programmation des Microcontrolleurs |
BLG212 |
Mikroişlemci Sistemleri (2018) |
EL31A SP |
Electronique Numerique |
BLG231 |
Sayısal Devreler (2018) |
LA31-2 |
Anglais Generale 2 |
ING201 |
İngilizce 201 (2018) |