Delf University of Technology


Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı

AE2-110 Aerodynamics B UCK 351 Aerodinamik
AE4-180 Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics (Ms. Sc)
AE2-110 Aerodynamics B UCK 351 Aerodynamics
AE2-202 I Airplane Performance II

Aircraft stuctural analysis I Exercise Flight Dinamics and Simulation UZB331 Aerospace Structure
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structrual Design UZB331 Aerospace Structures
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structural Design UZB331 Aerospace Structures
AE2-522 I Aircraft stuctural Analysis I
AE3-021 Aircraft Design UCK322 Aircraft Design
AE3-020 Aircraft Design UCK432 Aircraft Design
AE3-020P Aircraft Design Practical
AE3-020 Aircraft Design UCK432 Aircraft Design
AE3-020P Aircraft Design Practical
AE3-T75 Aircraft Systems UCK488 Aircraft Hydrolic Systems
AE3-295 Air Transportation and Systems
WM0609LR Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers UCK457 Airline Management

Air Transportation an Systems I Air Transportation anf Systems II
Airline Management
AE3-295I Air transportation an systems II UCK 457 Airline Management (Turkish)
AE3-295II Air transportation an systems I
AE1-801 Space Engineering and Technology I UZB421E Attutude Determination and Control
AE4-305 Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control UZB 421E Attitude Determination and Control
AE4-305P Exercise Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control
AE3-359 Aerospace Systems and Control Theory UCK362E Automatic Control
AE3-359P Aerospace Systems and Control Theory Practical
ET1305 Linear Electrical Circuits ELE211 Basics of Electrical Circuits
xxxx Graduation Thesis UZB492 Bitirme Projesi

Composite Materials for Durable Structures
Composite Materials
AE2-125 Thermodynamics and Compressible Aerodynamics UZB362 Compressible Aerodyanmics
AE2-110 Aerodynamics B UZB362 Compressible Aerodynamics
AE2-125 Thermodynamics and Compressible Aerodynamics
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical UCK 372 Deneysel Mühendislik
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3-193P Low speed Windtunnel Test-3
WI2029LR Differantial Equations MAT201 Differantial Equations
WI2051wbmt Differantial Equations ME/MT MAT201 Differantial Equations
WI2029LR Differential Equations
W12029LR Differential Equations MAT201 Differantial Equations
W13150TU Partial Differential Epuations I
AE1-914 II Delf Applied Mechanics course: Dynamics DNK201 Dinamik
AE1-914 I Delf Applied Mechanics course: Statics
WM0609LR Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers EKO201 Economics

Low Speed Windtunnel Practical Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise Test Flight
Experimental Engineering
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical UCK372 Experimental Engineering
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3-193P Low Speed Windtunnel Test-3
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical UCK372 Experimental Engineering
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3-914 Dynamics and Stability UCK441E Flight Stability and Control
AE2-202 I Airplane Performance II
AE3-302 Flight Dynamics I UCK322E Flight Mechanics
CT2100 Fluid Mechanics AKM204E Fluid Mechanics

Thermodynamics and Gas Turbines
Gas Turbines
AE3-235 Thermodynamics and Gas Turbines MAK434 Gas Turbines
AE3-T11 Sustainable Development for Aerospace Engineers

Graduation Thesis UCK 492 Graduation Project

Graduation Thesis UZB 492 Graduation Project
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Structural Design UZB 331 Hava Uzay Yapıları
WM110TU English for Acedemic Purposes-3 ING103 ING103
WI3150TU Partial Differential Equations 1 UZB218E Partial Diff. Eq. İn Eng.
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB
CT 4010 Economics ITB ITB
ID-5131 Business Marketing for Engineers ITB ITB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB

Present Interest in Susta inable Engineering ITB ITB

Life Cycle Costings ITB ITB

Purchasing Management ITB ITB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB
WM0908TU Technics and Future ITB ITB
WM0324LR Ethics and Engineer for Aerospace Engineering ITB ITB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises - lectures ITB ITB
AE3-TD3 Present Interest in Sustainable Engineering ITB İTB
WM0609LR Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers ITB İTB
AE3-T11 Sustainable Development for Aerospace Engineers ITB İTB
WM0324LR Ethics and Engineer for Aerospace Engineering ITB İTB
WM0908TU Technics and Future ITB İTB
AR0361 History of the Great Metropolises İTB İTB
WM1115TU Elem. Course dutch for foreigners İTB İTB
WM1116TU Dutch for foreignes, follow up İTB İTB
AE2-600 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing II MAK 351 İmal Usulleri
WM110TU English for Acedemic Purposes-3 ING103 İNG103
WB4420 Gas Turbines UCK 421 Jet Propulsion Principles (Turkish)
AE2-192P Supersonic wind tunnel exercise
AE3-235 Termodynamics and Gas Turbines UCK 421 Jet Propulsion Principles (Turkish)
CT4010 Economics
AE2-600 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing MAK351 Manufacturing Processes

Aerospace Materials&Manufacturing I MAK351 Manufacturing Processes
AE2-600 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing II UCK417 Manufacturing Processes
AE1701 Aerospace Materials&Manufacturing I MAL201 Materials Science
AE1-701 Aerospace Materials&Manufacturing I MAL201 Materials Science
AE-2-702P Practical Material Science
W11402LR Calculus II MAT102 Mathematics II
AE3-030 Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics UCK 348 Müh. Bilgisayar Uygulamaları
AE3-30P Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Practical
AE3-295I Air Transportation and Systems I MT MT
AE3-295II Air Transportation and Systems II
AE3-30P Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Practical MT MT
AE2-191P Low Speed Windtunnel Practical
AE2-192P Supersonic Windtunnel Exercise
AE3T11 Sustainable Development for Aerospace Engineers MT MT
AE3-T75 Aircraft systems MT MT
AE2-202I Airplane Performance II MT MT
AE1-801 Space Engineering and Technology I MT MT
AE1-005 Introduction to aerospace engineering project MT MT
AE3-030 Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics MT MT
AE3-803P Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Practical I MT MT
AE1-005 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Project MT MT
ET4149TU Solar Cells MT MT
W13097TU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations Numerical Mathematics (Lab) MAT202E Numerical Mathematics

Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Numerical Methods
WI3097TU Numerical Mathematics C I MAT 202E Numerical Methods
WI3097TUP Numerical Mathematics C I Practical
AE4-S01 Thermal Rocket Propulsion UZB441E Rocket Propulsion
AE4-140 Gas Dynamics_1
AE4-S01 Thermal Rocket Propulsion UZB 441E Rocket Propulsion
AE4-S01P Exercise Thermal Rocket Propulsion
AE2-125 Thermodynamics and Compressible Aerodynamics UZB 362 Sıkıştırılabilir Aerodinamik
AE4-141 Gas Dynamics II
AE2-S02 Space Engineering a Teknology II UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
AE1-914III Delft Applied Mechanics Course: Mechanics of Materials MUK 203 Strength of Materials I
AE1914 III Delf applied Mechanics of Materials MUK 203 Strength of Materials I
AE2-914 Vibrations of Aerospace Structures UCK226 Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
AE2-914 Vibrations of Aerospace Structures UCK226 Structural and Mechanical Vibrations
AE3-303P Exercise Flight Dynamics and Simulation
AE4-S12 Space System Engineering UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
AE4-875 Precise Orbit Determination of Satellites
AE4-S12 Space Systems Engineering UZB 422E Spacecraft System Design
AE2-S02 Space Engineering and Technology II
AE4-S12 Space System Engineering UZB422E Spacecraft System Design
AE3-803 Space Engineering and Technology III
AE3-803P Excercise Space Engineering and Technology III
AE2-803 Space Engineering a Teknology III UZB411E Space Environment
AE3-803P Exersise Space Engineering and Technology III
WB1217 Strength of Materials 2 MUK 204 Strength of Materials II
AE-2522I Aircraft Stuctural Analysis I
WB4100 Thermodynamics 1Wb en MT UCK212 Thermodynamics
WB1224 Thermodynamics 2
IE3320 Introduction Renewable Energy Systems TM TM
AE2-521N Aircraft Stress Analysis and Design UCK416 Uçak Yapıları (SB)
AE3-T75 Aircraft Systems UCK 488 Uçak Hidrolik Sistemleri
AE3-295 Air Transportation and Systems