Brno University Of Technology


Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı
FSI-OA1-A- Aerodynamics I UCK351E Aerodynamics (2021)
OLR-A Aircraft Materials and Technology
UCK215E Aerospace Materials (2021)
OPP-A- Comp. Aided Des. And man   7. YY. TM (2021)
OPK-A- Aircraft Structure UZB331E Aerospace Structures (2021)
6TT-A Thermomechanics UCK205E Thermodynamics I (2021)
6TT-A Thermomechanics UCK206E Thermodynamics II (2022)
5DT-A Dynamics DNK201E Dynamics (2019)
5HY-A Hydromechanics AKM219E Fluid Mechanics  (2022)
2NU-A Numerical Methods MAT 202E Numerical Methods (2022)
Spacecraft Technologies

7.YY. MT (2021)
FSI-ZSY-A Finite Element Method and ANSYS Classic UZB 318E Finite Element Method (2018)
6KP-A Solution of Basic Problems of Solids by FEM 7. YY. TM (2021)
4PP-A Strength of Materials I MUK 203E Strength of Materials I (2020)
OZK-A Aircraft Testing MT 6. YY. MT (2021)
FSI-5KS-A Machine Design - Machine Elements
7. YY. TM (2021)
 5KS-A  Machine Design - Machine Elements  UCK361E Design of Machine Elements (2021)
OAE-A Aeroelasticity
7. YY. TM (2019)
Algorithms and Programming Techniques

8. YY TM (2022)
FSI-3M-A Mathematics III MAT 201E Differential Equations
VCP-A C and C++ Programming Languages BIL 110E Intr to Sci&Eng Comp (C) (2018)
BYCI The Czech Language for Foreigners ITB 6. YY. ITB (2019)
FSI-6TT-A Thermomechanics UCK212E Thermodynamics (2019)
FSI-HC2-A Application of CAD/CAM in Machining Technology II MT -
FSI-OSZ-A Czech Language 1
ITB 8. YY. ITB (2021)
FSI-3ST-A Statics STA 201E Statics (2019)
4M-A Mathematics IV TB 5.YY TB (2022)
MPA-MLF Machine Learning Fundemantals
TM 7. YY TM (2022)
 MVP-A Computational Fluid  Dynamics   7. YY. MT (2021)
FSI-RKD-A Kinematics and Dynamics of Machatronic Systems MT 8. YY. MT (2019)
FSI-OPP-A Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing MT 8. YY. MT (2019)
Comp. Aided Des. And man
UZB112E Computer Aided Drafting (2019)
OSZ-A Aircraft Structure MT -
FSI-OA2-A- Aerodynamics II UZB362E Compressible Aerodynamics (2022)
FSI-OPO-A- Aircraft Maintenance MT 7. YY MT (2020)
VAU-A Electrical and Pneumatic Automation Systems
MT 6. YY MT (2021)
CEL1 Electrical Engineering I ELK221E Fundamentals of Electric. Eng.
FSI-VA1-A Control Theory I UCK360E Automatic Control I (2019)
FSI-OLE-A Aircraft Propulsion UCK421E Jet Propulsion Principles (2019)
6AA-A Automation UCK362E Automatic Control (2020)
4M-A Mathematics IV
Probability and Statistics (2022)
FRM-A Robots and Manipulators
6.YY TM (2020)
 BVA001  Economics    8: YY. ITB (2021)
IPT-A Heat and Mass Transfer
Heat Transfer (2022)
 1CJ  Czech Language 1  ING103ES  Intercultural Citizenship (2021)
 OFC-A CFD for Aerospace
 6. YY MT (2022)
 OT1-A  Aircraft Manufacture
 TM  7. YY TM (2022)
 6TT-A Thermodynamics
 UCK207E Thermodynamics (2022)