Studies for “Multifunctional Solar Panels in Nano, Micro and Cube Satellites R&D Project” launched by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) in March in order to contribute to Turkey’s “National Space Program” continue at full speed. The current state of the project carried out at ITU Space Systems Design and Test Laboratory under the coordination of İnovaTİM was shared with the public in a press conference held at ITU Rectorate.
The program at ITU Rectorate Building was attended by ITU Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu, TİM Chairman İsmail Gülle, TİM Deputy Chairman Başaran Bayrak, ITU Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Bülent İnanç, Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar, Prof. Dr. Şule Itır Satoğlu and Prof. Dr. Lütfiye Durak Ata, General Secretary Prof. Dr. Ali Deniz, as well as students from İnovaTİM who receive education in various schools involved in the project.
USTTL Coordinator Prof. Dr. Alim Rüstem Aslan from the Department of Astronautical Engineering gave information about the latest status and road map of the project that develops multifunctional domestic solar panels for satellites and that will contribute to Turkey’s “National Space Program” goals. Prof. Dr. Aslan said the following about the project’s current state: “We received our funding. Turkish Exporters Assembly provided the entire budget of the project. ITU undertook the infrastructure of the project. In addition to these, we are in continuous collaboration and negotiate with institutions such as TÜBİTAK. Our project is progressing vigorously in line with our schedule.”